Error Setting Java_home Variable For P6 Suite Installer Windows

Step by step installation instruction of Primavera P6 EPPM 16.2. Of Primavera P6 EPPM 16.2 on Windows. To set the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variable for.

Error Setting Java_home Variable For P6 Suite Installer Windows 10

I am trying to install Oracle Developer Suite 10g (I have already Oracle 10.g installed) - however I get (after message that all requirements are met, so - installation can proceed):
'setup.exe has encountered a problem and need to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience..... Please tell Microsoft about this problem'.
Oracle Universal Installer version:
Oracle Deveoper Suite: (so - a bit higher - is this acceptable?)
WinXP, default JRE 1.5_1
I can run OUI as standalone application - so - maybe I can simply run it and ask it to install Developer Suite? But as I understand - I should point to some xml file where products for istallation should be specified - but on installation disks there i no any (there is onlu setup executables). Where can I find them? Or should I upgrade to higher version of OUI?
Thanks for any advice in advance!
OK - I find products.xml file - and I got messages:
1) error while loading areasQueries library
2) I should upgrade to OUI or later - where can I download it?
Message was edited by:
OK - now I searched on yahoo for Oracle Universal Installer download - there are some discussion in forums where it is recognized that standalone download of specified OUI isn't available from Oracle website
Message was edited by:

you have to change the port no in listener.ora file which exists on Oracle_home/network/admin/listener.ora like
)from this to
)afterwords you have to reload the listener by using lsnrctl on command prompt
in this way you can change the default port of Oracle

Similar Messages

  • Hi,
    I have installed oracle client silently using the response file with INSTALL type as runtime. I want to remove 'Oracle sql developer' from the installed products. Using Oracle Universal Installer I am able to remove this component in GUI. Please provide me the silent switch to remove this component. I have tried with DEINSTALL_LIST property , but I am getting an error that 'no products selected for deinstall'. Please suggest on this.

    Pl post your OS details
    AFAIK, SQL Developer is not included in the Oracle Client install - it is a separate install. You will have to follow the instructions for uninstalling SQL Developer - check the docs for your specific version of SQLD - Oracle SQL Developer
    e.g. for 3.1, see Installing Oracle SQL Developer

  • Hi all.
    I'm having trouble getting Oracle's Universal Installer to run.
    I'm trying to become DBA certified, so I went and purchased
    other materials) a book titled 'Oracle8i for LINUX Starter Kit',
    authored by Steve Bobrowski, published by Oracle Press / Osborne
    McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-212442-3.
    The book includes a CD-ROM with Oracle8i Enterprise Edition,
    Release 2, version 8.1.6 for LINUX.
    I'm running an Intel P-III 500 MHz with 512MB RAM, 30GB hard disk
    exclusively configured for Linux (no other O/S on it) and Oracle
    (so LOTS of hard disk space is available), Matrox Millennium G400
    video card (32MB).
    My hardware exceeds all requirements listed in aforementioned
    book, and also in Oracle's own documentation (from their web
    I'm running Mandrake's Linux 8.0, PowerPack Edition, with:
    kernel = 2.4.3
    XFree 4.0.3 (and I've also tried 3.3.6, with identical results
    to those listed below)
    glibc 2.2.2
    I've followed the book's instructions to the letter, and set up
    the environment variables, oracle user, and subdirectories as
    So far, so good.
    OK. Now, here's where the problem appears:
    I log in as the oracle user, and try to start the Oracle
    Universal Installer (following the instructions in the book)
    as follows:
    cd /mnt/cdrom
    The computer tries to do some stuff, then spews the information
    listed at the bottom of this posting to the screen. I press
    <ENTER> after 'OK' and get dumped back to the bash prompt.
    That's it. I can't go any further. No Oracle Universal
    By the way, I've also downloaded Oracle8i Enterprise Edition
    Release 3, version 8.1.7 from Oracle's website, and tried to
    install that, too. Exactly same results.
    The nice folks at Oracle have politely told me to get lost,
    and not bug them for unpaid support.
    I'd really like to get this stuff up and running, so I can
    start studying and practicing for DBA, but I need help 'cause
    this problem is beyond me.
    So... can anyone help??
    Thanks in advance.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Here's what shows up when I try to start the Oracle Universal
    [[email protected] cdrom]$ ./runInstaller
    [[email protected] cdrom]$ Initializing Java Virtual Machine
    from ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/1.1.8/1/DataFiles/Expande
    d/linux/bin/jre. Please wait...
    SIGSEGV received at bfffedac
    in /mnt/cdrom/stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/1.1.8/1/DataFiles/E
    xpanded/linux/lib/linux/native_threads/ Processing
    Sat Sep 29 12:58:56 2001
    jre full version 'JDK 1.1.8 IBM build l118-20000429 (JIT
    enabled: jitc)'
    Operating Environment
    Host : localhost.localdomain.localdomain
    OS Level : 2.4.3-20mdk.#1 Sun Apr 15 23:03:10 CEST 2001
    glibc Version : 2.2.2
    No. of Procs : 1
    Memory Info:
    total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
    Mem: 525901824 116862976 409038848 0 6377472
    Swap: 1069244416 0 1069244416
    MemTotal: 513576 kB
    MemFree: 399452 kB
    MemShared: 0 kB
    Buffers: 6228 kB
    Cached: 59708 kB
    Active: 63740 kB
    Inact_dirty: 2196 kB
    Inact_clean: 0 kB
    Inact_target: 1072 kB
    HighTotal: 0 kB
    HighFree: 0 kB
    LowTotal: 513576 kB
    LowFree: 399452 kB
    SwapTotal: 1044184 kB
    SwapFree: 1044184 kB
    User Limits (in bytes except for NOFILE and NPROC) -
    RLIMIT_FSIZE : infinity
    RLIMIT_DATA : infinity
    RLIMIT_STACK : 2093056
    RLIMIT_NOFILE : 1024
    RLIMIT_NPROC : 16383
    Application Environment
    Signal Handlers -
    SIGQUIT : ignored
    SIGILL : sysThreadIDump (
    SIGABRT : sysThreadIDump (
    SIGFPE : sysThreadIDump (
    SIGBUS : sysThreadIDump (
    SIGSEGV : sysThreadIDump (
    SIGPIPE : ignored
    SIGUSR1 : doSuspendLoop (
    Environment Variables -
    LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s
    BROWSER=kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing
    HELP_BROWSER=kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing
    [email protected]=none
    Libraries Loaded by the JVM
    Current Thread Details
    'main' (TID:0x4032a2d8, sys_thread_t:0x804de98)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000400 Reuse: 1 USER
    Native Stack Data : base: bfffef08 pointer bffdf764 used
    (128932) free(-12196)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=5 *current
    Total Thread Count: 3
    Active Thread Count: 3
    JNI Thread Count: 0
    Full thread dump:
    'Async Garbage Collector' (TID:0x4032a238,
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000803 Reuse: 1 DAEMON
    Native Stack Data : base: bf5ffb20 pointer bf5ff914 used
    (524) free(116212)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=1
    'Finalizer thread' (TID:0x4032a288, sys_thread_t:0x80dc7f8)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000402 Reuse: 1 DAEMON
    Native Stack Data : base: bf7ffb20 pointer bf7ff988 used
    (408) free(116328)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    sysMonitorWait - waiting on Finalize me queue lock
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=1
    'main' (TID:0x4032a2d8, sys_thread_t:0x804de98)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000400 Reuse: 1 USER
    Native Stack Data : base: bfffef08 pointer bffdf758 used
    (128944) free(-12208)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=5 *current
    System Monitor Status
    Thread queue lock: unowned.
    Name and type hash table lock: unowned.
    String intern lock: unowned.
    JNI pinning lock: unowned.
    JNI global reference lock: unowned.
    Zip lock: unowned.
    BinClass lock: unowned.
    Class loading lock: unowned.
    Java stack lock: unowned.
    Code rewrite lock: unowned.
    Heap Lock: unowned.
    Has finalization queue lock: unowned.
    Finalize me queue lock: unowned.
    Integer lock access-lock: unowned.
    Monitor cache lock: unowned.
    Monitor registry: unowned.
    Object Monitor Status
    [[email protected] cdrom]$
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    I have Mandrake 8.0 on PII-600, 256 RAM. I used the downloaded
    8.1.7. Edit JRE_LOCATION in Disk1/install/oraparam.ini to point
    to your version of JRE 1.1.8 v3 (JRE from Then try with NUMLOCK=OFF.
    I just clicked the 'typical' installation. It failed at the end
    and did not install the database manager. The error message was:
    SIGGEV received at bfffea90 in
    Process terminated
    Writing stack trace to javacore30299.txt... OK
    /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/bin/dbassist: line 103: 30229
    Segmentation fault $JRE_EXEC -Duser.dir=$USER_DIR -classpath
    If you get beyond this point, let me know. Good luck!

  • Hi,
    I am installing Primavera P6 v7 web serivces on a Ms Windows 2003 SP2 server machine but it gives error 'error setting Java_Home environment variable' every time i run the oracle universal installer setup of P6 v7 web services. I have already installed Java JRE1.6.0_14 and set the JAVA_HOME variables in both system and user variables. I have also tried manually setting path of JAVA during setup but no luck so far everytime same error. I have been looking at the log file in oracle inventory folder but did not find any hint to resolve the issue.
    Please suggest a solution or workaround.

    r u using 32bit or 64bit java?? better to use 32 bit java. Create 3 variable for EPPM P6
    1) variable name: JAVA_HOME Value: c:Java32JRE1.6.0_27
    2) variable name: JRE_Location value: c:Java32jdk.1.6.0_27jre
    3) variable name: p6_java_home value: c:Java32jdk.1.6.0_27

  • --[This is where the application server 10g Forms and Reports (9.0.4) cd resides for Solaris version 5.9]
    --[The runInstaller is using oraparam.ini from the following temp location (/data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904...). This is a patch which allows above cd to run on Soalris ver 5.10]
    bash-3.2$ runInstaller -paramFile /data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904/INSTALL/ForSolaris5_10/4494701/oraparam.ini
    encoding = UTF-8
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be 5.8, 5.9 or 5.10. Actual 5.10
    Checking operating system packages: SUNWarc,SUNWbtool,SUNWhea,SUNWlibm,SUNWlibms,SUNWsprot,SUNWtoo,SUNWi1of,SUNWxwfnt,SUNWi1cs,SUNWi15cs Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 1536 MB. Actual 14791MB Passed
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 12596 MB Passed
    All installer requirements met.
    Checking if CPU speed is above 250 MHz. Actual 1200 MHz Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 16777216 Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2012-08-29_03-54-34PM. Please wait /apps/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui/bin/unzip: not found
    Error in writing to directory /tmp/OraInstall2012-08-29_03-54-34PM. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 75 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue.
    The tmp seems to have enough space...
    bash-3.2$ df -kh
    Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
    9.8G 5.2G 4.6G 54% /
    /devices 0K 0K 0K 0% /devices
    ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/contract
    proc 0K 0K 0K 0% /proc
    mnttab 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/mnttab
    swap 12G 1.7M 12G 1% /etc/svc/volatile
    objfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/object
    sharefs 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/dfs/sharetab
    9.8G 5.2G 4.6G 54% /platform/sun4u-us3/lib/
    9.8G 5.2G 4.6G 54% /platform/sun4u-us3/lib/sparcv9/
    fd 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev/fd
    9.8G 409M 9.3G 5% /var
    swap 12G 1.0M 12G 1% /tmp
    swap 12G 80K 12G 1% /var/run
    9.8G 4.6G 5.2G 47% /apps
    128G 73G 53G 58% /data01
    262G 13G 247G 5% /data02/FMSinvoice
    Can someone help kick off the OUI installer. Our customer if getting impatient in not getting it to run. Any help appreicaited

    Thanks for the replies...
    I have cloned an Oracle 9i database on a DR test server.
    Now I am installing Oracle Application server 10g Forms and Reports (9.0.4) on Solaris 5.10
    This is using a Oracle CD which is for Solaris 5.9 but using twp patches supplied by oracle to run the CD from. So it is able to run on Solaris 5.10. It has been done before but by some past DBA some 5 years ago. This is the first time I am attempting this being a new employee here.
    I have implemented these suggestions.
    Especially the fact that it was looking for a gunzip utuility which it couldn't find. To make it easirer Ij ust copied the gunzip utility to the place it was looking for, and renamed it unzip. As it was loooking for unzip
    This worked and passed through.
    Created the temp temp directory as welll so it would not have issues in not writting to the tmp directory.
    The error I'm getting is below
    bash-3.2$ pwd
    bash-3.2$ /data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904/INSTALL/SOLARIS/RUNINSTA -paramFile /data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904/INSTALL/ForSolaris5_10/4494701/ORAPARAM.INI
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer ...
    Checking requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be 5.8, 5.9 or 5.10.
    Actual 5.10 Passed
    Checking operating system packages: SUNWarc,SUNWbtool,SUNWhea,SUNWlibm,SUNWlibms,SUNWsprot,SUNWtoo,SUNWi1of,SUNWxwfnt,SUNWi1cs,SUNWi15cs Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 1536 MB.
    Actual 14791MB Passed
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB.
    Actual 252715 MB Passed
    All requirements met.
    Checking if CPU speed is above 250 MHz.
    Actual 1200 MHz Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
    ^C Failed <<<<
    >>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo
    Some optional pre-requisite checks have failed (see above). Continue? (y/n) [n] y
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904/tmp/OraInstall2012-08-31_11-12-17AM. Please wait ...The Java RunTime Environment was not found at /data02/FMSinvoice/appsFR904/tmp/OraInstall2012-08-31_11-12-17AM/jre/bin/java. Hence, the Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.
    Please visit and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try again.
    : No such file or directory
    I am running humingbird Exceed, and have also set the DISPLAY to my screen.
    FYI I am running this from home so the 256 collours error would probably be ok if I did it from work (as I will on Monday)
    However I would prbably still get the java error. Should this not be resolved using Exceed though?

  • I downloaded the Rdb ODBC Driver for Windows with Oracle Universal Installer. The Installer would install JRE 1.3 but I already have 1.5.
    How can I avoid this?
    Thank you.

    I installed the ODBC Driver with the Oracle Universal Installer.
    Now I have the directory C:ProgrammeOraclejre1.3.1. This means that the installer has not detect my Java 5 installation and uses its own JRE 1.3.
    I remains one question:
    Who has done this?

  • I am trying to remove 'Oracle Application Server - Reports and Forms Services' using Oracle Universal Installer (
    OS: Windows XP professional
    folder: c:oracleFRHome_1
    The uninstaller hangs and progress remains 0%.
    Kindly let me know how to remove the software.

    Are you trying to remove the specific components? or are you trying to remove the whole installation? Well bear in mind that removing a component is not as easy as removing it from the OUI, this has also been registered against the Identity Management (IM), so you must de-register it first, prior to attempt to remove it. If you just deinstall it, the OID will still be aware it has the component and you won't be able to reinstall it.
    Proceeding directly to remove regedit entries without considering the previously recommendations may leave your installation corrupted and you may have to reinstall your Infrastructure (IS) and your Middle Tier (MT)
    ~ Madrid

  • Hi all,
    I am trying to install Oracle database 9i on my w2k server (domain controller). The Oracle Universal Installer quits right after I choose install in autorun menu with this message:
    'Error in writing to directory C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempOraInstall. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has at least 25 MB of Disk Space. Installation could not continue.'
    I am installing as the administrator of the domain/server and I have 17GB left on my harddisk. I am using a P3 600 with 384 MB of RAM. My HD is Seagate ATAIV Baracuda and my motherboard uses VIA chipset.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I am using Diamond TNT2 video card. I have tried to install new (not newest) detonator drive and VIA 4 in 1 driver ver4.29 but it still gives me the error. Would it help if I install Java2 runtime on this computer?

  • I am applying patch and getting error......
    10g Release 2 ( Patch Set 3 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) on
    Certain files which need to be reinstalled by oracle universal installer
    are being used by one or more running services'. It contains a list of 30 services. All oracle services are already shutdown.
    I have stopped all Oracle services, set it to manual, and restarted the system...but am getting the same error again...
    I am trying it since yesterday...but really tired of this error. what could be the reason...
    please help

    I have got some options please check it.
    LIVE DB Name - ERP
    TESTDB Name - TEST
    1. Should I create another home/database TEST
    1.1 apply patch on it and then uprgrade it.
    1.2 Restore the cold backup of ERP database on it.
    2. Should I create another home/database TEST
    1.1 Restore the cold backup of ERP database on it.
    1.2 apply patch on it and then uprgrade it.

  • I did as follows:
    Double check that you are logged in as oracle and not root, and that the environment variables have been set by the login script you prepared earlier. Then change to your home directory and start the Oracle Universal Installer with a command like one of the following:
    $ /database/runInstaller
    $ /runInstaller
    , but got the following error:
    [[email protected] ~]$ /media/Oracle 11g Svr/linux_11gR2_database_1of2/database/runInstaller
    dirname: extra operand `11g'
    Try `dirname --help' for more information.
    /media/Oracle 11g Svr/linux_11gR2_database_1of2/database/runInstaller: line 137: /home/oracle//install/.oui: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] ~]$
    Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting these error and how I can fix them
    I tried creating the directories in this path /home/oracle//install/.oui and used the touch command to create the .oui file. The I did a chown -R oracle:oinstall on all the directories and files except the /home directory in the following path /home/oracle//install/.oui, but I still got the following error:
    [[email protected] ~]$ /media/Oracle 11g Svr/runInstaller
    dirname: extra operand `11g'
    Try `dirname --help' for more information.
    [[email protected] ~]$
    Then I tried the following and got the following errors:
    [[email protected] home]$ cd /home/oracle
    [[email protected] ~]$ cd /home
    [[email protected] home]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] home]$ cd /home/oracle
    [[email protected] ~]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] ~]$ ls -l /home/oracle
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:25 install
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:34 source
    [[email protected] ~]$ cd /home/oracle/source
    [[email protected] source]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] source]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:35 database
    [[email protected] source]$ cd /home/oracle/source/database
    [[email protected] database]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] database]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source/database
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:35 install
    [[email protected] database]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source/database/install
    total 0
    [[email protected] database]$ cd /home/oracle/source/database/install
    [[email protected] install]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] install]$

    993126 wrote:
    I did as follows:
    Double check that you are logged in as oracle and not root, and that the environment variables have been set by the login script you prepared earlier. Then change to your home directory and start the Oracle Universal Installer with a command like one of the following:
    $ /database/runInstaller
    $ /runInstaller
    , but got the following error:
    [[email protected] ~]$ /media/Oracle 11g Svr/linux_11gR2_database_1of2/database/runInstaller
    dirname: extra operand `11g'
    Try `dirname --help' for more information.
    /media/Oracle 11g Svr/linux_11gR2_database_1of2/database/runInstaller: line 137: /home/oracle//install/.oui: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] ~]$
    Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting these error and how I can fix them
    I tried creating the directories in this path /home/oracle//install/.oui and used the touch command to create the .oui file. The I did a chown -R oracle:oinstall on all the directories and files except the /home directory in the following path /home/oracle//install/.oui, but I still got the following error:
    [[email protected] ~]$ /media/Oracle 11g Svr/runInstaller
    dirname: extra operand `11g'
    Try `dirname --help' for more information.
    [[email protected] ~]$
    Then I tried the following and got the following errors:
    [[email protected] home]$ cd /home/oracle
    [[email protected] ~]$ cd /home
    [[email protected] home]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directoryyou told the shell processor to execute a file named 'runInstaller', found in the root directory '/'
    [[email protected] home]$ cd /home/oracle
    [[email protected] ~]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directorychanging directories is pointless, you still told the shell processor to find 'runInstaller' in the root directory.
    [[email protected] ~]$ ls -l /home/oracle
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:25 install
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:34 source
    [[email protected] ~]$ cd /home/oracle/source
    [[email protected] source]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directoryDoesn't matter to prove what is in a particular directory, then change directories. And still telling the shell processor to find 'runInstaller' in the root directory.
    [[email protected] source]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:35 database
    [[email protected] source]$ cd /home/oracle/source/database
    [[email protected] database]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] database]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source/database
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 18:35 install
    [[email protected] database]$ ls -l /home/oracle/source/database/install
    total 0
    [[email protected] database]$ cd /home/oracle/source/database/install
    [[email protected] install]$ /runInstaller
    -bash: /runInstaller: No such file or directory
    [[email protected] install]$You can change directories until the cows come home, but it doesn't matter as long as you keep telling the shell processor to find 'runInstaller' in the root directory.
    find /home/oracle -name runInstaller -ls -lcd to whatever directory you find is the location for runInstaller. Let's say it is in /home/oracle/source/database
    cd /home/oracle/source/database
    ./runInstallerNote that is dot, slash, filename. The 'dot' says 'look for the file in the current directory'. when you say '/runInstaller' you are saying to look for the file in the root directory.
    Oh, and make sure you can execute xclock or xeyes first. If you can't, you won't be able to execute runInstaller either.

  • Hi,
    I have installed Oracle XE and I love it. I wish I could have developed with it 3 years ago than have to rely upon a full distribution.
    It is also going to make my development team run more efficiently and take away a licensing headache.
    I have one question which I could really use an Oracle answer. My app distributes with oracle workflow (although I do not need the middle tier, only the server tier PL SQL code and Java etc). I want to use the universal installer to install Oracle Workflow, in theory this should work because the database is a fully featured version as far as source goes. I understand that the middle tier will not work however.
    Anyhow, in the Oracle Universal installer, I can not make it work as I do not know what to put in for Oracle Home. Could you advise me how I can use universal installer and get it to detect my oracle home (whatever that may be) for the purpose of installation of Oracle Workflow?
    Many Thanks

    You cant, really - you would have to read it from the registry maybe.
    All other oracle products use the oraInventory to store details about all Oracle products installed. XE doesnt use that.
    So unless you can read a value from the registry and stick that into the OUI for workflow you might get a bit stuck
    Or use a reponse file with the OUI and hardcode the place where XE lives, making that a standard within your organisation

  • Hello all,
    I have been facing a strange issue. I am trying to run Oracle Universal Installer in Aix5.3 platform to upgrade db patchset but for some reason it does not come up. I am trying to launch it through VNC session using vncviewer. Whenever i run runInstaller as ora<sid> user just takes long time and nothing happens. The message i get is:
    All installer requirements met:
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall...........Please Wait .....<hostname>:ora<sid>.....
    This is all i get but OUI doesnt not come up.. can anyone please tell me what seems to be the issue?

    This problem frequently occurs because of the wrong DISPLAY settings. Please perform the steps on a X-term terminal screen;
    1) under root user
    2) xhost +
    3) su - ora<sid>
    4) echo $DISPLAY
    5) setenv DISPLAY <client ip>:(result of echo $DISPLAY) (for example setenv DISPLAY
    6) xclock (test X-Client)
    If it works then you will be able to run './runInstaller', for example
    cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/SAP
    You can check the [installation guide|], also. Search for '4.4.3 Running the Oracle Universal Installer' title and read the details,
    Best regards,
    Orkun Gedik

  • Hello Friends,
    I am a newbie to Oracle and I was trying to install Oracle 8.1.7 on Linux 7.3 ,which I downloaded from the Oracle website and I configured all my files,set the permissions and the ownerships right , but even then my Oracle Universal Installer doesnt show up...Just to let u all know that my X is working properly. It says
    'Initialising Java Virtual Machine from bla bla bla.. Please wait....' and the installer doesnt show up . Any help will be greatly appreciated..
    Thanks in advance..

    You have to use the path 131299.1, I had the same problem with machines Pentium 4, in Metalink you can find the doc.

  • Some question:
    - Which is the suite where Oracle Software Packager is distributed?
    - Does Oracle Software Packager works fine with Oracle Universal Installer 2.1?
    - Can Oracle Software Configuration Manager be a good replacement of Oracle
    Software Packager?

    If I understand the problem, it's a login issue. Oracle 9i, when connecting as the user sys or system, requires the role SYSDBA or SYSOPER. The problem when using the GUI tools is there's no place to enter 'AS SYSDBA'. You may want to try putting it in the connection (alias) field as 'alias AS SYSDBA'. Using the command line, it looks like: SQLPLUS 'sys/[email protected] as sysdba'.

  • Hi all,
    I'm trying to install ODBC - however when having selected the products.jar the OUI (1.7.0.something) says that this package needs OUI to be installed.
    The OSP (which is the only component I can find on OTN that has the OUI) on the OTN download - is version 1.7.0.something).
    Does anyone know where to get the latest - required - OUI ??
    Extra Q
    Do I need more than the ODBC to connect from a W2K to a SUN based Oracle ?
    (I saw something about Net8 - but have no clue if that's part of the ODBC package)
    Best regards and (urgent :-) thanks

    The ODBC driver relies on a lot of different libraries that are part of the Oracle client. The Net8 protocol, the NLS libraries, etc. in addition to the Oracle Universal Installer. If you do a custom install of the Oracle client, you can get the minimal set of libraries required by the ODBC driver.
    Client/ server systems like ODBC, however, aren't designed to be particularly lightweight. A protocol like JDBC, which is designed to be used with thin clients, is designed to be used without the Oracle client.

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  • can u please tell me about Acknowledgement In Proxy.

  • Hi all, How to connect to a specific instance in RAC, with out using services and load balancing. our requirement is such that, the load balancing is of and my application has to connect to a specific instance at runtime.. where i can specify the SID

Error setting java_home variable for p6 suite installer windows 7

Last updated on JULY 25, 2019

Applies to:

Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to install the P6 Home Folder, using the setup.exe (Example: P6_R162Disk1installsetup.exe), the following error occurs:

Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occurred.
Please provide the following files to Oracle Support :
'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsinstallActions2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.log'
'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsoraInstall2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.err'
'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsoraInstall2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.out'

Error Setting Java_home Variable For P6 Suite Installer Windows 7

The installActions<date-time stamp>.log file contains the following:

*** Specify Local Host Name Page***
INFO: Setting the 'HostName ( ORACLE_HOSTNAME )' property to 'p6'. Received the value from the default settings.
INFO: *** Entering Component: p6suite installation
INFO: Setting variable 'runP6Config' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'prodFileExists' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'p6suite_src' to '. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'p6_home' to '. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'needCheckJavaHome' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'isWin' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'java_home' to '. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting variable 'p6suite_src' to 'C:P6_R162Disk1stage'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'p6suite_src' to 'C:P6_R162Disk1stage....p6suite'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'p6_home' to 'C:Oraclemiddlewarep6'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'needCheckJavaHome' to 'true'. Received the value from a code block.
SEVERE: Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle Support :

'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsinstallActions2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.log'
'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsoraInstall2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.err'
'C:Program FilesOracleInventorylogsoraInstall2017-08-09_03-34-04PM.out'
INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK

The oraInstall<date-time stamp>.err file contains the following:

Exception java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: OiJarResourceLoader : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 occurred..
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: OiJarResourceLoader : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

Error setting java_home variable for p6 suite installer windows 10

The oraInstall<date-time stamp>.out file is empty.

The issue can be reproduced at will using the following steps:

  1. Launch the P6 Disk 1 installer by running the setup.exe (Example: C:P6_R162Disk1installsetup.exe).
  2. Select Next at the Welcome screen.
  3. Ensure that the Destination Oracle Home name and install path is the same as a previous installed Oracle Product, then select Next.
  4. Observe the reported error.



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