Crack Mysql Password Hash Calculator

I've seen a lot of topics about hashing and salting a password and then comparing them with the hash and salt in a MySQL database, however none of them really helped.

They were either really 'vague' or not in the right coding language.

Mysql Password Hash Cracker

Crack Mysql Password Hash Calculator

I am coding in Visual Basic.

So, I'm using a Forum Software called 'MyBB' and it encrypts the user's password to a MD5 Hash and generates a salt alongside it.

How can I decrypt MySQL passwords. Hashing is a one-way process but using a password-list you can regenerate the hashes and compare to the stored hash to 'crack' the password. This site https. Is the password-hash of MySQL not save enough for you? – Nanne Apr 14 '11 at 5:43. Add a comment| 0.

Crack Md5 Password Hash

I have successfully connected to the MySQL database and I'm able to login with my application using the Username, however because I haven't yet hashed the password and salted it then compared the two.. I'm unable to login using my original password - instead I have to use the MD5 hahsed password from the database.

Mysql Hash Password

My question is:How do you Hash the password then salt it and then compare it the two so that I'm able to login using my original password without having to use the MD5 hash from the database?

Any help would be appreciated.

How To Set Mysql Password

I have searched and read numerous amounts of topics, however none of them provided how to do it. It briefly mentioned you need to hash it and salt the password then compare the two, however it didn't provide any code or steps of how to do it. Also there is little topics on doing this in Visual basic. Most of them are for php and c# which is not helpful when you don't primarily code in those languages.