What Are Some Programs Like Limewire

Other Programs Like Limewire For Linux in title. ChordCreator Multimedia & Design - Image Editing, Freeware, $0.00, 226.0 KB. Ad Muncher Internet & Networking - Browser Accessories, Shareware, $24.95, 427.0 KB.

What are some programs like LimeWire?

Frostwire is like it... but it's even better .. you can not only download songs but programs, games, movies ect. and frostwire is sponserd by i tunes so when you download a song on frostwire it uploads automatically to itunes.

Programs like LimeWire?

What are some other sites like LimeWire?

There are other programs like LimeWire available. Included are eMule, Dijjer, Cabos, FrostWire, and Alliance P2P. These are all file sharing programs.

How do you take off frostwire?

You can get rid of frostwire by deleting it from 'add or remove programs'.

You downloaded a game from frostwire how do you play it on your computer?

you need programs, try google: What Programs Do I Need To Play Downloaded Games From Frostwire

How do you get music?

You can get music from many places you can go to websites like zamzar or you can download programs like frostwire or limewire.

Is there any other p2p programs like lime-wire?

there are many programs like limewire like for example ares. the closest one to limewire in my opinion is frostwire. frostwire is free, its turbo charged, its pretty quick, and it uses a similar type sofware as the old limewire. that makes it pretty easy to use.

How do you uninstall frostwire?

Do P2P networks have servers?

Music share sites like limewire

yes and no, if you use sharing programs like limewire or frostwire than yes but if you use a program like bittorrent then no

What are some of the available computer programs that can be downloaded to listen to free music?

There are some available computer programs that can be downloaded to listen to free music. Programs such as iMesh, FrostWire, and BearShare allow their users to download and listen to music for free.

Is frostwire better than LimeWire?

it depends on what you like if you like movies get frostwire but if you like music get limewire both of them have both music and movies but frostwire has better and better quality movies and limewire has more music than frostwire but when it comes to speed and safety frostwire is the best i had limewire for a weak and deleted it and got frostwire i personaly like froswire and would sugest it.

How do you remove Frostwire from your computer?

Uninstall it from 'Add or Remove Programs', in the Control Panel.

What other websites are like frostwire?

There are many sites like Frostwire, Limewire for one, but they all do the same thing which is download torrents. But Frostwire is one of those that is free, unlike others.

How much does it cost to download a song from frostwire?

Its Free just download, and you get heaps of music videos music and movies and even programs or some pictures Cheers

Can you take LimeWire and frostwire off your PC?

Yes, you can take them off using 'add or remove programs' in control panel. But, to get rid of EVERYTHING, remove it using 'add or remove programs' then go to My Computer/Program Files look for Frostwire and delete it to the recycling bin.

Is there ANY free file sharing programs available?

Is frostwire safer then LimeWire?

Personally I think so. I had some problems with it so I switched to Frostwire, worked like a charm. No problems since. By the way Limewire screwed up my friend's computer.

Is there such thing as FrostWire?

Are there others like LimeWire?

What is lemonwire?

What are some file sharing programs like LimeWire?

frostwire bearshare ok 'bearshare' sucks cause u have to pay to download entire songs. 'frostwire' is similar to lime wire except music files are not transfred directly to itunes and they have to be manually moved into the itunes libary also frostwire seems to have a low return rate and always tells me i need more sources to download the song. Limewire is the best but is currently down i ve heard u can download…

Is music download to iPod Nano free?

no if you buy songs from itunes no but you are able to download different music downloaders like limewire and frostwire which alow you to download music just be carefull in which these programs are illegal

Is there an another website like LimeWire?

yes, actually there is. it is called frostwire. its just like limewire but a little different. you can type in download frostwire on google and click on one. then download it. your welcome!

Will you get caught if you download songs from frostwire?

Yes it is possible to get caught. Frostwire is just like limewire and they can catch you easily. If you do get caught downloading a song like that, the price for each song is very high.

What website can you get songs?

Playlist.com's pretty good but if you wanna download your songs, either use keepvid.com or Frostwire. Frostwire depends on how your computer runs. If your computer runs slow, don't get Frostwire. I have about a 4-5 year old computer that runs pretty slow and I don't have Frostwire. I did try it once and it just slowed it down more. But if you have a fast computer, Frostwire won't even slow it down a bit. Keepvid.com…

How do you get empire earth 3 free?

Download limewire,frostwire,360 share etc, the search it up under programs then download it and enjoy.

Does frost wire gives you a virus?

Downloading FrostWire from a safe site won't give you a virus but some of the things you download using FrostWire could.

When was FrostWire created?

How do you download music from frostwire to your mp3?

Can frostwire give you virusses?

How do you get mac millers party in the US download?

You can go to youtube.com and find that song , then click the button download or you can download frostwire and save any songs you like but i prefer frostwire

Is there such a thing as a PORTABLE LimeWire?

By definition, all Java programs, including LimeWire, are portable. Because they do not use the Win32 API directly, however, they will not work if the computer does not have a Java VM installed. In the 'Related links' section below, you will find a link to a portable version of FrostWire. FrostWire is based on the code of LimeWire and works in the exact same way, but has additional features, like a chat room.

What are some websites like FrostWire or LimeWire that let you download music without paying?

One of the things that you can try is beemp3.com. you can get music on that free.

How do you delete frostwire?

You can delete Frostwire by going to Control Panel, then add or remove program, find Frostwire, and click remove.


What antivirus protects against Frostwire?

What are some free alternatives to limewire that are not frostwire imesh or utorrent?

Is frostwire completely safe and legal?

Frostwire is a file sharing site. It is not completely safe and legal. People can get viruses from downloading files. All the files are not legal, but some are legal.

What version of frostwire is free?

Frostwire is entirely free, download at Frostwire.com

Do you pay money for frostwire?

What are some sites to burn music CD's on?

Is frostwire good?

FrostWire is a popular file sharing application and has a good reputation. FrostWire uses a torrent search engine to locate files for download.

How do you download frostwire for a Mac?

FrostWire for Macs can downloaded by going to the FrostWire website download page (See links below) and clicking on the Apple button.

Download free music for ipod?

Download a program like Limewire or Frostwire that can be used to download music for free, then using that program search for and download whatever music you want. Then open up iTunes and Limewire/Frostwire at the same time and drag-and-drop your songs from your Limewire/Frostwire library to your iTunes library. Then plug in your iPod and sync it. WARNING: I believe it is illegal in some places, so be careful. There you go! :D

What is a free program you can download free music like limewire?

When downloading a torrent in Google Chrome how do you get it to open in vuze and not frostwire?

Does frostwire have games?

It has some games, you can download hundreds of games off of The Pirate Bay.com but still keep Frostwire because you'll need it to download the games. The Pirate Bay is just a website.

How do you make your connection better on frostwire?

You can't actually get a better connection on Frostwire, it justs depends on your internet. The longer you run Frostwire, though, the better the connection.

What is the Best music and movie download service?

Well you can use Limewire or Frostwire but there is only one problem! The music,movies and images you get of there are copyright and illegal! You may want to look for some other site to download stuff like that. Well you can use Limewire or Frostwire but there is only one problem! The music,movies and images you get of there are copyright and illegal! You may want to look for some other site to download…

Is FrostWire illegal?

FrostWire Not Illegal, Downloading Copyrighted Material Is FrostWire itself is not illegal. FrostWire can be used as a peer to peer file transferring system of uncopyrighted materials. But once copyrighted materials starting being used, downloading and uploading is illegal.

How much can frostwire hold?

Frostwire only holds up to how much your computer can hold.

LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 is a helpful third-party software that provides computer users with many useful features and tools. However, many users got difficulty and problem in uninstalling it from the computer. Below, we have listed possible problems when uninstalling LimeWire Pro 5.3.6. If you also got such problem, you can find useful solution for it.

It seems that there are many computer users who have difficulty in uninstalling software like LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 from the system. And some of them get into trouble when uninstalling the software and some of them can uninstall the software but get problem after the uninstallation. Some possible problems that people run into:

  • *LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 can not be uninstalled
  • *LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 can not be completely uninstall and removed
  • *LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 or other similar software can not be installed or updated again on the computer
  • *The computer system runs much slower after LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 is uninstalled
  • *The computer gets strange errors
  • *LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 does not appear in the program list of Add/ Remove Programs
  • *The uninstaller of LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 can not completely remove all associated files
  • *There is some software that is not compatible with LimeWire Pro 5.3.6
  • *There are many remnants left in the registry and hard drive
  • *The .dll, .sys or other files shared with other software are deleted

Windows XP Users

1. Exit LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 in your computer

2. Click Start and click Control Panel

3. Click Add or Remove Programs

4. Loate LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 and click Remove button

5. Click OK or Yes to continue

Windows Vista and 7 Users

Music Share Sites Like Limewire

1. Click Start and then Control Panel

2. Click Uninstall a program

3. Find LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 and click Uninstall

Windows 8 Users

1. Right-click in the screen's bottom-left corner and click Control Panel from the pop-up menu.

2. Click View by Small icons

3. Highlight LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 and click Uninstall

It's very risky to manually remove entries in registry. If you do not have sufficient computer skills, please try the automatic uninstall method.

1. Open the Registry Eidtor

Windows XP Users


Click Start, click Run, type in regedit and hit OK

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users

Click Start and type in regedit

Programs Like Limewire Frostwire

Windows 8 Users

Press 'WIN+R' key combination to launch RUN dialog box then type regedit and press Enter

If you see a UAC dialog box, click 'Yes' to open the Windows 8 Registry Editor.

2. Delete registry entries of LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 CAREFULLY

  • *HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareLimeWire Pro 5.3.6

3. Search throughout the hard drive and delete all associated files

Free Music Downloads Programs Like Limewire

What Are Some Programs Like Limewire

Free P2p Programs Like Limewire

  • *C:Program FilesLimeWire Pro 5.3.6
  • *C:Documents and SettingsAApplication DataLimeWire Pro 5.3.6

As you can see, it's very complicated and time-consuming to manually uninstall LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 from your computer. And if you delete other files by mistake, you may receive computer errors and get additional troubles.

P2p File-sharing Programs Like Limewire

So, it's recommended that you use an automatic third-party uninstaller to uninstall LimeWire Pro 5.3.6 and completely remove all of its components with ease. The uninstaller can automatically scan and find out all registry keys, exe files, DLL files, drivers, and other components in every corner of the computer and then thoroughly delete all of them. And you do not need to know which file and registry key belongs to the program and whether it will destroy your PC if you delete it. Therefore, completely uninstalling a program will not be that difficult for you any more.