Website Templates In Asp Net Tutorials

  1. Posting Back to the Template. The button_click page illustrates the use of an HTML input button to post back to the server. Figure 5 depicts the content for the page as it appears in the Visual Studio.NET designer. The button_click.ascx file provides the content for the button_click.aspx Web page.
  2. W3Schools' Bootstrap Templates. We have used Bootstrap's grid system to create some responsive HTML templates. They are completely free - Click on 'Try It Yourself' to see the code and do whatever you want with it.
  1. Create Format View In Textbox In Asp Net
  2. Free Asp Website Templates

Every web application needs to be hosted by a web server. Localhost is a mini web server running on your machine. In the real world, you often publish an ASP.NET application to a full-fledged IIS server. Web hosting companies take care of installation of IIS for you.

Create Format View In Textbox In Asp Net

Active4 years, 10 months ago

I want to find an enterprise UI template which I can use inside my mvc 4 web applications. Some of the known templates will work well web forms , but I need templates that work with mvc .BR

john Gujohn Gu
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closed as off-topic by devlin carnate, user3559349, AndyAug 3 '17 at 1:23

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – devlin carnate, Community, Andy
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

I would recommend spending $14-18 on a good template from sites like themeforest, DMartify Or wrapbootstrap

Free Asp Website Templates


They have lots of templates that can be used independently of the server-side technology (php,, RoR, Django, etc.)

If you cannot spend the money on a template, then checkout the free templates at Bootswatch which has some basic (but useful) baseline color theme modifications. Or you can also find Free Admin Template Download, Simply use BootStrap, Foundation or Semantic UI frameworks to make you own.

Ajay Patel
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