Batch File To Kill Antivirus

Active4 years, 6 months ago

Here is my current file. :loop netstat -a -b -n >> log.txt timout 300 /nobreak >nul goto loop

It logs all connections. When you use the -b switch with the netstat command, it tells you what program it running on. I need to filter out all of those results that show up as 'system'. here's what I mean.

Operating System Hacking. How To Disable Antivirus Using Simple Bat File In this post my main motive is that to enhance your knowledge that how to make virus in notepad with the help of this tutorial make a virus to disable antivirus of others. Through this virus you can disable others antivirus.

Online File Antivirus

here is a line from the netstat -a -b -n command

see where it says [system]? I want everything that has system in it, to not be displayed, so only non-windows apps get logged.


I know to use the find -v command, and that does 'what I want', but it still gives me all the extra junk. I really just need a way to prevent that.

Online file antivirus

Bat File To Disable Antivirus


1 Answer

Try this


What's going on here is that we're piping all the output to the findstr command and using it to filter out anything that's has the word 'system' in it. If you need it to be more specific, you can add in the brackets from your example. netstat -a -b -n | findstr /iv /c:'[system]' >> log.txt

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