Install Aloha Pos On Windows 7


Feb 23, 2018  The application is freely available and you can download and install using BlueStacks emulator with ease. It is made on a click and run mode and once you have it downloaded you install without the support of any expert. Steps on How to Install Aloha Browser for PC. Here are the steps on how to download and install Aloha browser app on your PC.

Aloha Browser for PC is now available and can be easily installed on a desktop PC/Laptop running Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10 and MacOS/OS X.Let’s learn a little bit about this all-new app and then have a look on the installation method via BlueStacks or BlueStacks 2.


Download Aloha Browser for Laptop Windows-Mac:

Following are the two methods from which you can download and install Aloha Browser for PC, Laptop Windows-Mac. Let’s start the method to download Aloha Browser for PC Windows.

Download Aloha Browser for PC Windows using BlueStacks:

  • First, Download and install BlueSacks on your Windows or Mac.Bluestacks Offline Installer | Rooted Bluestacks |Bluestacks App Player.
  • Once you’ve installed BlueStack, launch it from your desktop. You have to add your Google Account to use Google Play on BlueStack. Goto->Settings->Accounts-Gmail.
  • When BlueStacks screen loads up, Click on the Search icon.
  • Now you have to type in the app name. I am looking for Aloha Browser so, in the search bar, I’ll type Aloha Browser and hit enter.
  • On the next screen, you’ll see the list of all the apps containing Aloha Browser name, Click on the first one which is developed by Aloha Mobile.
  • Now you’ll be at app page, here you have to click on install. It will start downloading the app and once the downloading is complete, Aloha Browser will be installed.
  • Before moving on you have to give permission to Aloha Browser in order to access your system information. Click on Accept when you’ll see the pop-up.
  • Now, wait for the installation process to be complete, once the Aloha Browser is downloaded and installed, you’ll see a notification as you do on your Android devices. Goto BlueStacks homepage and there you’ll see the Aloha Browser logo in your apps. Click on the Aloha Browser logos to start using it.



      1. Download Aloha Browser APK.
      2. Download and installBluestacks: Bluestacks Offline Installer | Rooted Bluestacks |Bluestacks App Player
      3. Once you’ve installedBluestacks, double-click the APK that you just downloaded above.
      4. The APK will be installed using Bluestacks, once installed open Bluestacks and locate the recently installed Aloha Browser.
      5. Click the Aloha Browser icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.


You can also use Andy OS to install Aloha Browser on PC, here’s the tutorial: How To Run Android Apps On Mac OS X With Andy.

You’ve successfully installed Aloha Browser for Laptop / Windows/Mac if you face any issue regarding this guide please do tell me in comments.

Aloha Pos Support

Help with Aloha 6.7.16 on Windows 7 Pro

Install Aloha Pos On Windows 7 1

Help with Aloha 6.7.16 on Windows 7 Pro

Square Pos On Windows

Hello POS Gurus-
Power surge fried the Aloha File server despite being on a surge protector (supposedly). Long story short, the owners want to save money and bought a computer from a local Frys with Windows 7 Pro on it. I followed the instructions from Coors man in FAQ693-7418: How to install Aloha on Windows 7 server 2008 and successfully installed Aloha 6.7.16 on this computer.
I was able to migrate the spooling files from the master terminal back to EDC, successfully process and batch out the credit cards, which is good. However, I cannot execute a successful file server recovery and I cannot get Aloha manager to work correctly. I keep getting the error message ctlsvr disconnected try to reconnect?
Let me mention that the new server did not have an LPT1 port so i had to purchase a USB key from the local reseller and change the SEC codes in the Aloha.ini file. Anyway, in looking at the debout.txt file I show this:
Oct 31, 15:09:21, [16924], [STATUS],'AlohaMgr starting... version '
Oct 31, 15:09:21, [16924], [INFO],' MODE SETTINGS'
Oct 31, 15:09:21, [16924], [INFO],'***** Version: '
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'LoadIberStrings() - Loaded version, C:BootDrvAlohabinIBERSTR.DLL'
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'***** Workstation: ALOHABOH'
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'***** TableService Only'
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'***** Labor Scheduler enabled.'
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'***** Site Id: 1'
Oct 31, 15:09:44, [16924], [INFO],'*****Start of WORK in InitInstance'
Oct 31, 15:09:50, [16924], [INFO],'*****Before AlohaMgr create'
Oct 31, 15:09:50, [16924], [INFO],'*****Before AlohaMgr RequestCtlSvr'
Oct 31, 15:09:50, [16924], [INFO],'CAlohaMgrApp::RequestCtlSvr() called...'
Oct 31, 15:09:50, [16924], [INFO],'WaitForCtlSvrStartupComplete()...'
Oct 31, 15:09:50, [15724], [INFO],'ACtlSvrConnect: (thread) - Begin Run()'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15724], [INFO],'ACtlSvrConnect: (ICtlSvrCom::AreYouAlive failed (0x4))'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15724], [INFO],'ACtlSvrConnect: Connection to CtlSvr lost. Prompting for reconnect...'
when I look at debout.svr I show this:
ct 31, 15:09:51, [15044], [STATUS],'CTLSVR: Started CtlServiceThread... version '
Oct 31, 15:09:51, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR is running on workstation ALOHABOH'
Oct 31, 15:09:51, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: IBERDIR is C:BootDrvAloha'
Oct 31, 15:09:51, [15044], [INFO],'Operating system is Windows 7 (BuildNumber 7601, Platform 2, Version 6.1, Service Pack 1)'
Oct 31, 15:09:51, [15044], [INFO],'Hasp driver for Windows NT has not been installed.'
Oct 31, 15:09:51, [15376], [INFO],'[Run] SpawnRadiantHeartBeatCheckerThread... '
Oct 31, 15:10:12, [15044], [INFO],'LoadIberStrings() - Loaded version, C:BootDrvAlohabinIBERSTR.DLL'
Oct 31, 15:10:12, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Serial Number not Found as no Security key found'
Oct 31, 15:10:13, [15044], [INFO],'CtlSvr - Refresh - RFS Not in use'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE=INTL - using time zone information from the BOH computer'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE: Reading C:BootDrvAlohadatatimezone.ini'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE: Standard Name = Central Standard Time'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE: Daylight Name = Central Daylight Time'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE: Successfully read the Timezone.ini contents'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEZONE: operating system time zone settings match values in TIMEZONE.INI'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Is NOT running in SQLMODE.'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: bRobust = TRUE'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Begin initializing network...'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'Initializing network...'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'Node = 15006 String = 'BFAAG'
Oct 31, 15:10:14, [15044], [INFO],'NBInit()-> Before NBAddName()-> StationName = 'IBERBFAAG '
Oct 31, 15:10:17, [15044], [INFO],'NBInit()-> After NBAddName()-> StationNumber = 2'
Oct 31, 15:10:17, [15044], [INFO],'NBInit()-> Before NBAddGroupName()-> SessionName = 'IBERLINK'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'NBInit()-> After NBAddGroupName()-> SessionNumber = 3'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'Station number 2, session 3'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'Network initialization complete.'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'TIMEOUT ALERT!!! NBInit took 6.021000 seconds our threshold is 5.000000'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Done initializing network.'
Oct 31, 15:10:20, [15044], [INFO],'Failed to open C:BootDrvAlohaSQLSQL.INI: No such file or directory'
Oct 31, 15:10:21, [15044], [INFO],'** AKS License file not found.'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Waited 23 seconds for HASP driver to make security key available.'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Security key not found.'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Initialization failed before main.'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: Start background processing...'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: CtlServiceThread - Stopping background processing...'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'net shutdown!'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'Canceling datagrams...'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'Canceling datagrams second time...'
Oct 31, 15:10:43, [15044], [INFO],'Dropping names...'
Oct 31, 15:10:49, [15044], [INFO],'Net shutdown complete'
Oct 31, 15:10:49, [15044], [INFO],'CTLSVR: CtlServiceThread Terminated.'
Oct 31, 15:10:51, [3636], [INFO],'purgeDays=14 : Try to delete all aged zipped debout files...'
Am I missing a HASP driver? If so, does anyone know where I can get it? The local reseller, as many tend to be, will not offer any assistance with this. They basically hand you whatever hard ware and say, 'You're on your own, unless you want to pay our $1500 set up fee.'
Hopefully it's just a driver that someone here can point me in the right direction.
Thank you very much-
Charles aka Justadoode